Candlelight Meditations
My body is the fuel that burns. My body is a living sacrifice to God. I bear suffering for His sake, and thereby I glorify Him (for no one would bear suffering except for a worthy cause). This glory is the light of the flame that burns my body.
Abraham’s children are both as many and as luminous as the stars in heaven. Abraham’s children are those who share his faith in God. Abraham’s faith is that which offers up even the second most valuable thing to the first, the faith that raises the blade to give Isaac to God.
I raise the blade in my heart by holding all things loosely, willing at any time to give anything to Him, and actually giving Him whatever He requests.
Just as there is potential energy in matter which can be converted into light by burning, so there is potential worship in every part of my life which can be converted into the light of the glory of God by offering it up to His fire.
That which is pure and holy is not destroyed by God’s fire.